on what the Buddha taught
Welcome to this site, which I started to host Knowing.
Knowing was originally a talk basically on dependent-co-arising, but due to it's length and depth I was never able to finish. By writing it down one can now read it back and forth at one's own pace. Because I am not a writer, nor is English my native language, there are no doubt a lot of grammar and style issues. And a home for Knowing should allow me to make the updates swiftly and with ease, that is why I started the site. Over time there were some points I liked to address, some questions I did answer, which lead to more content.
At some point I had this thought: 'What I understand differs from how it is translated and explained, wouldn't the Pāḷi be supportive?' so I started to translate some texts which lead to the document Paṭiccasamuppāda. Seeing that translating does depend on one's view I decided to translate some more. As I am still working on my vocabulary these are kept in progress.
So here are my texts, which I would have preferred to read for myself decades ago. Unlike Knowing there is no real order to read them in, just pick what piques your interest. May they aid you on your journey to come to understand things for yourself. Should you have any questions, found errors, or just want to discuss, feel free to contact me: minowani on @tutanota.com.