Minowani's Writings

on what the Buddha taught

In the Pāḷi texts different words are used which in English are often translated as mind. Those words are sometimes said to be synonyms. However, their specific usage seems rather consequently applied and I would like to see if we could keep those distinctions.

It is a bit like when a countryman asks you where you are from, and you might answer with a towns name. But when you are in another country and a local asks you where you are from, you might answer with a country name. Or, if you are from a well known city, the name of the city. It does depend on the context, and it does mean sometimes both can be used, but it doesn’t mean they are synonyms. To me it is similar with mind. Mind is used for citta, ceto, mano and viññana:


When we talk about the body and mind as duo, they are referred to in Pāḷi as kāya and citta; so let's reserve mind for citta.


Ceto is connected to the feeling side for which I use mentality, the heart. With then cetasika (belonging to ceto) as mental, like f.i. a mental feeling:

Saññā ca vedanā ca cetasikā, ete dhammā cittappaṭibaddhā.
'And perception and feeling are mental, these principles are bound to mind.' MN44


Mano seems to be associated with doing, the acting side (e.g. manokamma), as in 'thinking-mind', 'doing-mind', for which I use intellect, the head.


And for viññana I use cognition, from the Latin cognoscere meaning 'to know':

Vijānātīti kho, bhikkhave, tasmā ‘viññāṇan’ti vuccati.
'OK it cognizes, almsmen, therefor it is called cognition.' SN22.79

(For more information on this see Knowing.)

One for All

Intellect might feel a bit off when taken on as (being) intellectual, likewise mentality and (being) mental, but here they are just the distinctions as Mind, Mind-that-undergoes, Mind-that-does and Mind-that-discerns; it is just mind. And so, mind (citta) can be used for cognition (viññana) when it comes to cognizing, or for intellect (mano) when the emphasis lies on intention, but neither ceto nor mano contains viññana; they are not that freely exchangeable. If you ask me, mind (citta) = mentality (ceto) + intellect (mano) + cognition (viññana).

Ceto (nt.) mentality.
Citta (nt.) mind.
Mano (nt.) intellect.
Viññana (nt.) cognition.