Minowani's Writings

on what the Buddha taught

Saṃyutta Nikāya

On one occasion the exalted one dwells at the deer park at Isipatana, at Bārāṇasi. OK there the exalted one addressed the almsmen of the group of five:


Those almsmen replied to the exalted one:

'Venerable sir'

The exalted one said this:

'Form, almsmen, is not self.
And form, almsmen, self if it exists for this, this not would lead form to oppression and you would get at form: 'My form be so, even though my form was not so'.
OK and because, almsmen, form is not self, from that form leads to oppression and you not get at form: 'My form be so, even though my form was not so.'


Therefor, what do you deem, almsmen, is form or stable or unstable?

'Unstable, venerable'

What is yet unstable is it therefor sufferingly or happily?

'Sufferingly, venerable'

What is yet unstable, sufferingly, the principle of change for the worse, is it now therefor sound to see: 'This is mine, this I am, this is my self'?'

'Of course not, venerable.'


'Therefore this, almsmen, 'whatever form, past, not yet come, current or internal or external or gross or subtle or low or high, what is in the distant or in the near, all form is essentially with right wisdom similarly to be seen as 'Not this is mine, not this I am, not this is my self'.


Seeing so, almsmen, having learned, the hearer of what is noble gets fed up also on form, gets fed up also on feeling, gets fed up also on perception, gets fed up also on inclinations, gets fed up also on cognition. Fed up, he lacks interest. From the fading he is to be emancipated. Upon emancipation, thus emancipated, the knowledge is. He knows 'Birth is barren, the divine life is fulfiled, done is what ought to be done, no more gain of presence'.

This said the exalted one.

Pleased, the almsmen of the group of five welcomed the exalted one's word. And while this explanation was yet being recited, the minds of the almsmen of the group of five were without taking up; thus emancipated from the drains.