Minowani's Writings
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Aṅguttara Nikāya
'These nine, almsmen, are successive cessations.
Which nine?
- First radiance, when engaged in, lust perception has ceased.
- Second radiance, when engaged in, thoughts and thinking have ceased.
- Third radiance, when engaged in, pleasantness has ceased.
- Forth radiance, when engaged in, breathing in and breathing out have ceased.
- Base of boundless-sky, when engaged in, perception of form has ceased.
- Base of boundless-cognition, when engaged in, perception of the base of boundless-sky has ceased.
- Base of non-ownership, when engaged in, perception of the base of boundless-cognition has ceased.
- Base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, when engaged in, perception of the base of non-ownership has ceased.
- Cessation of perceptions and feelings, when engaged in, and perceptions and feelings have ceased.
OK these, almsmen, are nine successive cessations.'