Minowani's Writings

on what the Buddha taught

Saṃyutta Nikāya

At Sāvatthi.


'Of suffering, almsmen, I shall point out and the rise, and the disappearance. Therefor listen, pay attention well, I shall speak.'

OK so those almsmen replied to the exalted one:


The exalted one he said this:

'And which is, almsmen, of suffering the rise?

Depending on and the eye and forms, arises the eye-cognition. The going together of the three is the touch. With support of touch, feeling. With support of feeling, longing. OK this, almsmen, is of suffering the rise.
Depending on and the ear and sounds, arises the ear-cognition ... pe.. Depending on and the nose and scents... Depending on and the tongue and tastes... Depending on and the body and to be touched... Depending on and the intellect and principles, arises the intellect-cognition. The going together of the three is the touch. With support of touch, feeling. With support of feeling, longing. OK this, almsmen, is of suffering the rise.

And which is, almsmen, of suffering the disappearance?

Depending on and the eye and forms, arises the eye-cognition. The going together of the three is the touch. With support of touch, feeling. With support of feeling, longing. Just like that, with complete fading and cessation of longing, cessation of taking up. With cessation of taking up, cessation of existence. With cessation of existence, cessation of birth. With cessation of birth, oldness-and-death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, distress, unrest cease. So for this entire mass of suffering the cessation is. OK this, almsmen, is of suffering the disappearance.
Depending on and the ear and sounds ... pe.. Depending on and the nose and scents... Depending on and the tongue and tastes... Depending on and the body and to be touched... Depending on and the intellect and principles, arises the intellect-cognition. The going together of the three is the touch. With support of touch, feeling. With support of feeling, longing. With complete fading and cessation of just this longing, cessation of taking up. With cessation of taking up, cessation of existence. With cessation of existence, cessation of birth. With cessation of birth, oldness-and-death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, distress, unrest cease. So for this entire mass of suffering the cessation is. OK this, almsmen, is of suffering the disappearance.'