Minowani's Writings

on what the Buddha taught

Saṃyutta Nikāya

So I learned. On one occasion the exalted one dwells at the eastern gatehouse at Sāvatthi. OK there the exalted one addressed senior Sāriputta:

'Do you believe, Sāriputta, the strength of confidence... the stength of vigour... the strength of recollection... the strength of concentration... the strength of wisdom cultivated, made much of, is immersed in immortality. Immortality is the relief. Immortality fulfils the stopping?'

'OK I don't go here, venerable, by the exalted one for confidence: the strength of... the stopping. Of course for whom, venerable, it has not been familiarized, not seen, not found out, not realised, not touched by wisdom, there one would go to others for this confidence: the strength of... the stopping. OK and for those that, venerable, have familiarized, seen, found out, realised, touched by wisdom, there one without doubt has the reliance: the strength of... the stopping. OK and for me this, venerable, has been familiarized, found out, realised, touched by wisdom, there I without doubt have the reliance: the strength of... the stopping.'

'Good, good, Sāriputta, so for whoever, Sāriputta, it has not been familiarized, not seen, not found out, not realised, not touched by wisdom, there those would go to others for this confidence: the strength of... the stopping. OK and of those that, Sāriputta, have familiarized, found out, realised, touched by by wisdom, there they without doubt have the reliance: the strength of confidence... the strength of vigour... the strength of recollection... the strength of concentration... the strength of wisdom cultivated, made much of, is immersed in immortality. Immortality is the relief. Immortality fulfils the stopping.'