on what the Buddha taught
Aṅguttara Nikāya
'These two, almsmen, principles have a share in knowing.
What two?
And tranquillity and insight.
Tranquillity, almsmen, when cultivated, what gain does it partake in?
Mind is cultivated.
Mind cultivated, what gain does it partake in?
What passion is, that is gotten rid of.
Insight, almsmen, when cultivated, what gain does it partake in?
Wisdom is cultivated.
Wisdom cultivated, what gain does it partake in?
What not knowing is, that is gotten rid of.
Or, depraved by passion, almsmen, mind is not emancipated,
or, depraved by not knowing, wisdom is not cultivated.
OK thus, almsmen, with the fading of passion: emancipation by mentality,
with the fading of not knowing: emancipation by wisdom.'