on what the Buddha taught
ājīva | way of life | |
ākiñcañña | non-ownership | |
anattā | not self | |
anicca | unstable | |
aññāṇa | ignorance | |
arahant | virtuous one | |
ariyasāvaka | hearer of what is noble | |
āsava | drain | |
avijjā | not knowing | |
bhava | existence | |
bhāvanā | cultivation | |
bhikkhā | alms | |
bhikkhu | almsman | |
bhikkhunī | almswoman | |
bhuddha | awakened; awakened one | |
bhūta | essence (from esse 'be': become, ghost, being, result of becoming) | |
byāpāda | anger | |
ceto | mentality | |
cetanā | intention | |
chandarāgo | desire and passion | |
citta | mind | |
cittassa ekaggataṃ | focus of mind (=concentration) | |
dhamma | principle | |
dhātu | aspect | |
dosa | hate | |
dukkha | suffering | |
ekaggatā | focus | |
jhāna | radiance | |
kamma | action | |
kāma | lust | |
kāmacchanda | lustful desire | |
kāya | body | |
khandha | mass | |
lobha | greed | |
māna | esteem | |
manasi karoti | pay attention to | |
manasikāra | attention | |
mano | intellect | |
manosañcetanā | willpower (one of the foods to carry on) | |
micchā | wrong | |
moha | delusion | |
ñāṇa | knowledge | |
nāmarūpa | name-and-form | |
nibbāna | peace | |
nidāna | situation | |
nimitta | sign | |
nīvaraṇa | obstruction | |
paccaya | support | |
pañc'upādānakkhandhā | five masses-and-the-taking-up | |
parimukha | peripheral | |
paṭigha | resistance (as in friction) | |
phala | fruit | |
phassa | touch | |
punabbhava | following existence | |
rāga | passion | |
saddhā | confidence | |
sakkāya | embodiment | |
sakkāyadiṭṭhi | the view of embodiment | |
saḷāyatana | hexad-base (ṣaḍ° ordinarily chal°: see cha (=six); ṣaḍ reminds of hextad (hĕk′săd′); hexad or sextet, indicating a group of six) | |
samādhi | concentration | |
sammā | right | |
sampajañña | awareness (mindfulness, consciousness) | |
saṃyojana | yoke | |
saññā | perception | |
saṅkappa | attitude | |
saṅkhāra | inclination | |
sati | recollection | |
sīla | conduct | |
sīlabbata | conduct and practise | |
sīlabbataparāmāsa | superstition | |
somanassa | contentment | |
sukha | happiness | |
suññatā | emptiness | |
taṇhā | drought, thirst; fig. longing, craving | |
thera | elder (vs senior: an elder is more looked upon for guidance with wisdom and a senior is more used about the position in an organisation. One can be a elder without being senior, AN2.38) | |
thinamiddha | dullness | |
uddhacca | agitation | |
uddhaccakukkucca | remorse | |
upādāna | taking up | |
vedanā | feeling | |
vicāra | thinking | |
vicikiccā | unclarity | |
viññāṇa | cognition | |
vipāka | ripening | |
vipariṇāma | change for the worse | |
vipassanā | insight | |
vitakka | thought |